PCEL - Parry Catering Equipment Ltd
PCEL stands for Parry Catering Equipment Ltd
Here you will find, what does PCEL stand for in Manufacturing under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Parry Catering Equipment Ltd? Parry Catering Equipment Ltd can be abbreviated as PCEL What does PCEL stand for? PCEL stands for Parry Catering Equipment Ltd. What does Parry Catering Equipment Ltd mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in County Of Derbyshire, Derbyshire engaged in mechanical or industrial engineering industry.
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Alternative definitions of PCEL
- Prime Cellular, Inc.
- Pine Cliff Energy Ltd
- Pioneer Consulting Engineers Ltd.
- Prime Consulting Engineers Ltd
- Premier Communication Electronics Ltd
- Pure Clean Environmental Ltd
- Precious Cargo Early Learning
View 8 other definitions of PCEL on the main acronym page
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- PLF Premier Leasing and Finance
- PLNYS Preservation League of New York State
- PAG Perry Appleton Group
- PNL Prophecy Networks Ltd
- PCPA Panama City Port Authority
- PSL Power Stations Ltd
- POH Premier Occupational Healthcare
- PTPRVGIL PT Pan Rama Vista Garment Industries Ltd
- PWC Pet Wellness Center
- PJST PJ Sas Trading
- PDS Paragon Decision Science
- PZS Potawatomi Zoological Society
- PBG Patterson Bryant Group
- PSI Pearl Studios Inc.
- PCI Performance Composites Inc.